"The Hunt of a Lifetime"

A salvation outreach video for hunters. While on a hunting trip with the Christian Bow Hunters Of America, two unsaved men accept the Lord! Based on true events, this moving thirty-minute film includes excerpts from the personal testimony of several well-respected Christian hunters:
Ken Beck..................................Founder & President - Black Widow Bows
M.R. James...............................Pope and Young Club / Founding Editor - Bowhunter Mag
Russ Thornberry.....................Executive Editor of Buckmaster Magazine
Charlie Alsheimer..................Field Editor - Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine
Dwight Schuh.........................Editor - Bowhunter Magazine
Dan Brothers..........................Brother's Produtions - (Hunting Videos)
An ideal video to show at any men's outreach program, this film captures the fun and fellowship of a hunting camp and includes scenes showing several deer being harvested.
To Watch Highlights From This Video - Click Here
The Hunt of a Lifetime - DVD
A Brand New, Professionally Produced, Shrink Wrapped DVD
Length - 45 Minutes
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