.... Dave moved a lot of people in our congregation. He speaks from the heart with an enthusiasm and a passion for the Lord and His animals. His sad but inspiring story can bring tears to the eyes. We have already invited him to come a second time ...
Paul Moulton (Church Elder)
.... Dave Was Funny And Easy To Listen To And His Tragic Story Is Very Inspiring. He Has A Way Of Capturing And Holding Your Interest. Our Men Said His Testimony Was Deeply Moving, And That It's Thought Provoking To Hear How Real God Has Been In His Life ...
John Whiteman (Game Dinner Chairman)
.... Dave‘s grace story is powerful and moving. He is very transparent as he shares his life experience with others. He tells about the challenges, hurts and trials, but also how God was faithful in carrying him through those times. I think he connects well with his audience and encourages them to turn to the Lord for their strength, guidance and salvation....
Pastor Barry Sisson - Grace Chapel - Skaneatlas, NY
.... Dave is an interesting and captivating story teller. He speaks with animation and delivers a message of God’s grace that is for everyone. We truly enjoyed having him spend time with us not only at our sportsman’s night event, but in front of our church the next morning. Dave not only provides profitable hunting tips, he also provides good life lessons. It is obvious that he was very well received by those who attended our event from the responses that are still being heard ....
Scott Sutton - Game Dinner Coordinator - Sarver, PA
Personal References For Dave Tripiciano - “My Father’s World”
Available As A Guest Speaker For Outreach Events
The Following People Have Heard Me Present A Program At Their
Church, Or They Know My Testimony, Ministry, And Character Well:
Scott Sutton - Event Coordinator - Christ Comm. Church - Sarver, PA
724 - 355 - 3148 Email: [email protected]
Lloyd Kaper - Game Dinner Chairman - Hamilton Michigan
269 - 751 - 2992
Paul Metzger - Pastor - Assembly Of God Church - Geneseo, NY
585 - 330 - 0773
John Whiteman - Game Dinner Chairman -- Catskill Mountains
845 - 985 - 7230
Paul Sheely - Church Game Dinner Chairman -- Sayre, PA
570 - 596 - 3740
Don Shipp - President, Paradise Archers - Christian Bowhunters of America
717 - 560 - 9009
Harry Fletcher - Pastor - East Brandywine Baptist - Downingtown, PA
610 - 466 - 9322
Michael Fraser - Pastor - Lyona Bible Church - Cooperstown, PA
814 - 967 - 2911
George Arnold - Chairman For Mens Outreach Programs - Batavia, NY
585 - 356 - 3504